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The Fiber Optic Advantages Are Clear

1. Speed
The fastest connection speed known to man - up into the gigabits. We currently offer an unmatched 100Mb symmetrical residential speed to our customers.

2. Reliability
Fiber to the home uses a pure Ethernet connection back to your ISP, without needing intermediate equipment like a modem. This results in a much more stable, reliable service, which means no downtime for you. Fiber to the home virtually eliminates most equipment issues, and downtime typically experienced by internet subscribers.

3. Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited carrying capacity means NO CAPS. The bandwidth, like speed is only limited by the processing power of the electronics on each end of the fiber. We will never cap your data usage, or throttle your speeds. Stream as much video as you like without ever worrying about overages.

4. Distance
Unlike copper, there is no resistance in the fiber optic cable, so the signal can travel much further distances. This means we can now serve even the most remote customers in our rural areas.

5. Less Interference
Because it’s literally light being transmitted, there is no interference from electromagnetic noise such as radios, motors, power lines, or other nearby cables. This means a clearer signal and better broadband connection for you. Even lighting strikes, which can be transmitted by copper cabling, are not transmitted by fiber-optic cable.

6. Less Maintains
Fiber optic cable costs less to maintain than traditional copper lines, saving us all time and money.